Since the beginning of the semester. I was nervous entering the semester afraid what was going to be ahead of me while taking this class. During the sixteen weeks of the semester I sure did learn a lot. The activities during this semester were as follows: a summary of a documentary, weekly blog posts, exercises from our textbook Just the Facts by Michael Biggs, analysis of police scenes, and concluded with mock interviews. These activities did represent a lot about the law enforcement field while writing and interviews.
The text book readings made me analyze more about the law enforcement field. Some of the texting reading started to get boring yet every week but during our group interactions about the exercises we read brought a lot of different thoughts about certain topics discussed in the chapters.
Documentary project, this project at first was very difficult during our class time working together I started to figure out how to write in the past tense, as if I just lived the scene. I would recommend this project again for future classes but instead of a documentary video maybe the Police videos of real life events that happened were you discuss in class the event then make the students type out a report of the scenario. One thing that could be used is going online and getting templates of all the paperwork needed for reports and have the students write out all the information.
Mock interviews, this assignment was a very creative project. I found this project one of the funniest yet one of the best learning experiences in the class while interviewing people. I will not forget John and I interviewing about the stolen yogurt case, the questions asked made a setting making me feel like a real detective with John, only thing for future mock interviews is maybe real life cases that the students have to read about and perform questions for the interview. One of the greatest projects in the class that we had.
Blogs, at first I was a little scared of the blog entries being, that I never used a blog before and that I am not computer savvy as other students. I found this to be interesting reading other students comments about certain reflections we had to write about. Blogs made our thought come across that we may have not spoken in class about. favorite reflection was on the live events officers faced during their duties. From the citizens view what they may have thought compared to the law enforcement side believing the event was totally justifiable.
This semester had its downs at first but, the class came together to finish the semester strong. I had a great semester with the sixteen weeks. I wish every student an amazing rest of the semester and hope the best in the law enforcement community!